Grepable Goodness Posted on October 01, 2020 in CLI # grepable with inline comments. # create alias: gh alias set cheat 'gist view 4997128' # gh cheat | grep cheat -C 3, shows 3 lines before and after, # Windows Powershell: gh cheat | Select-String cheat bind -p | grep -v '^#\|self-insert\|^$' #list bash vim keybindings shopt #shell options bind -P #print keybindings bash -x #print shellscript before executing, execute commands from file help #brief summaries of builtin commands fc #open last commandline in editor kill -HUP $(ps -A -ostat,ppid | grep -e '[zZ]'| awk '{ print $2 }') #kill zombie processes echo $0 #show if login shell or not, login shell has -bash rm ./-somefileordir #remove file with hyphen cd ./-somefileordir #change into dir with hyphen type #type of command type -a program #show path to all versions of program export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%h/%d - %H:%M:%S " #shows date in historyfile printf \t \n ... #formated print with tab and newline grep -A 2 -B 3 foo README.txt # 2 lines before, 3 lines after grep -C 3 foo README.txt # 3 lines before and after xprop |grep WM_CLASS #get x11 window classname echo "scale=2; x+y" | bc #calculations from cli, 2 decimals echo "x*y" | bc -l #calculations from cli sudo -s #stay in directory when sudo man std::-->tab #c++ manpages base64 #encode and decode using base64 representation jq -r 'map(.Value | @base64d)' < file.json #decode base64 string of Value object pdftotext my.pdf - | grep 'pattern' #grep through pdfs without writing txt file yes foo > bar.txt #repeat some text (default is y) infinetly and save it to a file strings #find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file mkfifo --mode=0666 /tmp/namedPipe #load SQL commands ... gzip --stdout -d file.gz > /tmp/namedPipe #from gzipped file ... LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/namedPipe' INTO TABLE tableName; #into database ... java -version #java version javac -version #java compiler version ant -version #java make tool version mvn #java project management tool rcs #revision control system tee #pipe to STDOUT and file cal #display calendar tidy #html parser fmt #format text (TEX) textutil #convert document-files xpath #xml parser xmllint #xml parser locate -r "^\(.*/\)*header\.inc\.php$" #exact match sqlite3 #sqlite cli interface ... .databases #view databases ... .open FILENAME #connect to database file ... .tables #show tabes ... .mode html #switch to html mode ... .once FILENAME.html #query output to file ... SELECT * FROM TABLE; # write content from table to FILENAME.html... .quit #quit sqlite database ... project.cj add overtone dep #overtone audio live coding lein deps # ... gibber #audiovisual live coding framework in javascript xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ #copy from file to clipboard sudo service start ssh start # start ssh daemon on WSL client and remotely connect to it apt install # install gh in Kali, download deb: gcc gh git powershell Like this article? Share it with your friends! Please enable JavaScript to view comments.